Letter from Our Rector

Dear All,

Tomorrow is the Third Sunday of Epiphany.
St Mary’s 9.30am Morning Worship.
Holy Trinity 11am Holy Communion

30th January is NOT a joint service.
There will be an 8am BCP Holy Communion at St Mary’s
9.30am Morning Worship with the sharing of our Mission Action plan together
11.00am Matins with the sharing of our Mission Action Plan together.

I am pleased to let you know a new Parish Administrator has been appointed. Mrs Rachael Turner will be commencing on Monday 24th January. The first week will be a training week and more information will come out in due course.

Please wear your masks tomorrow to church.
After the 26th January masks will no longer be mandatory although we will continue to keep some spacing between you and there will be hand gel at the door. I would also invite you to wear your mask if you feel more comfortable.

Please continue to pray for all who have been bereaved over the past two years and more recently.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

With every blessing
